Hope For The Future

   I knew things were looking up but I needed names for the boys. We had names picked out that we liked but how do you choose which baby to have which name? We decided our daughter would help us in this process, so we placed both names into her little leopard purse and the one she picked first would be Twin A and the second was Twin B.

  My precious Twin A was Elijah James and my precious Twin B was Owen Mark. They both have a middle name of their grandfather’s first name, as family means a lot to us.

  It was a lot of appointments every week to make sure things were looking good. We were driving an hour and a half away from home about twice a week to make sure everything was still stable and surgery wasn’t needed. The boys where doing great with everything considered and the specialist said we could be seen by the high risk specialist at home and she would view the scans as well.

  Things were finally looking up and the boys were both growing good. Elijah was a little bit smaller than Owen but was still growing as he should. Owen was always on the move in mama's belly and he would alway's be pushing up against Elijah at our ultrasound appointments. Dont worry Elijah would give a few nudges back to his brother. The ultrasound technicians would always say "you're going to have your hands full with these two".

  Owen always had a lot of fluid around him and Elijah had very little but it slowly started increasing and I thought things were working their way out and the blood flow was evening out. This was hopefully going to be a start to having a normal twin pregnancy now instead of always being on edge of what is going to happen next.

  As far as how I was feeling, I was huge and uncomfortable but there were two babies in there. When I was about 20 weeks I think I was almost as big as when I had my daughter which was at 38 weeks and some odd days. All that was going through my head was how can I get any bigger? Will I be able to walk or get myself out of bed anymore? My belly was growing at such a rapid speed but from my ultrasounds everything was still looking good and they just kept reminding me that it’s normal to be uncomfortable with two babies in there.

  It was around the end of December / beginning of January when I went in for another ultrasound and to our surprise Elijah had a very decent amount of fluid around him. The doctor was so happy with that she even said that my regular OB can monitor my fluid and she will monitor the growth and blood flow so I only had to be seen about every other week by her. She did want me to get steroid injections to help with lung development just in case I went into labor early but all in all she was happy with the boy’s development.

  We knew that I wouldn’t make it to full term with the boys but we had high hopes that we could make it past 30 weeks with them even though I was having a rough time physically with the pregnancy and continuing to work since my job was very hands on with lifting and restraining animals. I had amazing coworkers though who helped a lot when I was unable to do normal tasks because of my pregnancy and they all wanted me to keep these babies in as long as I could. My body was in so much pain all the time with how much it was stretched. Jake and I really tried pushing for bed rest when we found out about the TTTS but none of the doctor's felt it was necessary. They just kept saying "rest and stay off your feet as much as possible". Which is not possible when you have an almost 2 year old!

  I'm so blessed to have an amazing husband who took on basically all the roles in the house since I was no longer able to really do much of anything at this point in the pregnancy.
